Wikipedia Summit India 2013

Event date: 
Sat, 12/01/2013 - 09:00 - Sun, 13/01/2013 - 18:00

The Wikipedia Summit India 2013 will be a two-day event organized by Wikipedia Club Pune to promote Wikipedia as an effective means of education, to empower and reach out to India, to bring the country under a spotlight through Spoken Wikipedia, and to bridge the gender gap that sadly exists in our milieu.

Rails Girls Gurgaon

Event date: 
Sat, 08/12/2012 - 09:00 - 18:00

Hello world!

Rails Girls comes to Gurgaon! During the free one-day workshop we'll dive into the magical world of Ruby on Rails.

Follow @RailsGirlsGgn on Twitter for the latest updates!

Apply now! Applications are open until the 25th of November. for more details

Drupal Camp Delhi

Event date: 
Sat, 08/12/2012 - 09:00 - 18:00

The aim of this group is to bring together all Drupal Enthusiasts located in and around Delhi, India. Drupal Users and Developers based around Delhi such as in the NCR , new Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon are welcome to join and help each other by sharing their views .Main focus are of this group will be to promote Drupal as a whole and collaborate for Drupal development.

more details from

Wikimedia Dev Camp 9-11 Nov , Bangalore

Event date: 
Fri, 09/11/2012 - 09:00 - Sun, 11/11/2012 - 18:00

Join the Wikipedia development community in Bangalore.

Wikimedia is holding a technical meetup in Bangalore, India at the Indian Institute of Management campus. This DevCamp is a chance to participate in development of Javascript based internationalization and localization tools as well as mobile applications using Phonegap and LAMP technologies, and to work alongside experts. Software engineers, UX/UI designers, and translators are welcome!

Spoken Tutorial Workshops on FOSS by IIT Bombay for FREE

Event date: 
Mon, 01/10/2012 - 14:47 - Wed, 10/10/2012 - 07:47

Greetings from IIT Bombay!
Let me introduce an amazing project of National importance, viz. 'Spoken Tutorial'. This project is teaching Free & Open Source Software like Linux, Scilab and Php & MySQL to all college students of India.

The mode of training is through workshops, held at individual college campuses, with guidance and materials provided by IIT Bombay. These workshops are of 2 hour duration and totally free of cost, as this project is sponsored by M.H.R.D, Govt. of India. Students need not leave their college campus, to attend these workshops.

MozCamp Delhi the community in delhi comes together on september 22-23

Event date: 
Sat, 22/09/2012 - 10:00 - Sun, 23/09/2012 - 18:00

MozCamp Delhi is the conclusion of the various Mozilla Summer Code parties that were organised in Delhi NCR region from June-September 2012.

It will bring together existing contributors and volunteers and all those who have an interest in the web to get together to create something good for the open web and have fun.

MozCamp Delhi will be a 2day unconference about the web and the road its on.

more details

OpenStack Foundation Global Meetup (Delhi NCR Chapter)

Event date: 
Wed, 19/09/2012 - 15:00 - 18:00

(1) Discussion about the OpenStack foundation.

(2) Demo of Quantum.

(3) Introductory talks on Cinder and Ceilometer.


FOSS4G-India 2012

Event date: 
Thu, 25/10/2012 - 00:09 - Sat, 27/10/2012 - 18:00

FOSS4G-India 2012, is the First in a series of National Conferences on Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics (FOSS4G) that are planned to be held every year with a mission to foster the development and promote the widespread use of Open Source Geospatial Technologies including support for software development and publicly available Geo-data. The proposed theme of the Conference is "Open Source Geospatial Resources to Spearhead Development and Growth".

It will be organised jointly by OSGeo-India and IIIT, Hyderabad.

SFD 2012 Discussion Meet - PuduvaiLUG (Puducherry)

Event date: 
Sun, 26/08/2012 - 10:00 - 12:30

Discussions on organizing Software Freedom Day 2012 will be the main theme of this meet.

Other topics will also be discussed.

Any Volunteers / Students / Working Professionals / any one who is interested to be the part of Software Freedom Day are Welcome.

We are also looking for New comers. Bring your friends too.

Date:- 26.08.2012
Time:- 10:00AM - 12:30PM
Venue:- # 14, B-1, Raj Apartment, Aarudra Nagar, 2nd Main Road, Thelashpet, Puducherry - 605009
Landmark:- Kanakan Lake, Vidya Niketan School.

Open Street Map View:-
1. (Normal View)

Geek meetup - Amity Noida

Event date: 
Sat, 18/08/2012 - 10:00 - 16:00

It has been long since any happening has been there in Amity. Next IITD LUG meet scheduled for 18 August 2012 will be held at our campus.

Wiki Page:
FB page :

Agenda :
1)Python : Multiprocessing and Multi-Threading by Anuvrat Parashar
2)Basics and starting linux by Sheel Sindhu Manohar
3)Website Development by Arijeet Mukherjee
4)Basic Python by Kantesh Raj

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