SFD 2012 Discussion Meet - PuduvaiLUG (Puducherry)

Event date: 
Sun, 26/08/2012 - 10:00 - 12:30

Discussions on organizing Software Freedom Day 2012 will be the main theme of this meet.

Other topics will also be discussed.

Any Volunteers / Students / Working Professionals / any one who is interested to be the part of Software Freedom Day are Welcome.

We are also looking for New comers. Bring your friends too.

Date:- 26.08.2012
Time:- 10:00AM - 12:30PM
Venue:- # 14, B-1, Raj Apartment, Aarudra Nagar, 2nd Main Road, Thelashpet, Puducherry - 605009
Landmark:- Kanakan Lake, Vidya Niketan School.

Open Street Map View:-
1. http://osm.org/go/y4Df74pW5- (Normal View)
2. http://osm.org/go/y4Df7jQqQ-- (Zoomed View, 14 in the map indicates the Venue)

Last year Celebration:- http://puduvailug.wordpress.com/2011/09/30/minutes-of-software-freedom-d...

SFD - Puducherry: https://www.facebook.com/sfdpuduvai
PuduvaiLUG : https://www.facebook.com/puduvailug

Contact:- [email protected]