BootConf 2014

Event date: 
Sat, 22/03/2014 - 10:30 - Sun, 23/03/2014 - 05:00

Are you around Delhi the coming weekend of 22nd March, 2014? We have
some great news for you and that is "BootConf 2014"!

BootConf 2014, is a technical conference specifically target on Free and Open Source
Software and Open Hardware -- anything that encourages the spirit of sharing,
openness and innovation.

We are organizing BootConf 2014 for the people like you you, with curious minds and
open heart. Lets get together to explore some Free and Open Source technologies
and maybe learn something new.

What should you expect at BootConf 2014?

Android Security vs Linux Security
Arduino Robotics
Cloud Computing
Data Processing with Scala
Device drivers in Linux
Real Time Linux and RTEMS
Secure Coding
Varnish Caching Server

and a special session on Indian Startups.

When, Where and Registrations?


22nd March 2014, Saturday
23rd March 2014, Sunday

Venue: FTK-CIT, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 25
Timings: 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM

But who is organizing BootConf 2014?

BootConf 2014 is presented to you by Linux User Group, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI LUG).
JMILUG has been active in Delhi and NCR region for over 9 years now, since its inception
in the year 2005.

For latest updates and more details visit our website: