AndroidCamp , Bangalore , April 1 2011 .
AndroidCamp is a participant-supported unconference. If you've never been
to one before, here is a quick primer. An unconference reverses the
traditional structure of a conference. There is no distinction between
speakers and audience at AndroidCamp. Everyone is a participant and has
equal say in what happens at the event. Anyone can speak on any topic.
This means that there is no pre-determined event schedule either.
Instead, you turn up on the morning of the event and propose a session
for any of the available time slots. That session now becomes yours to
coordinate. You can speak solo, make a demo, or round up your friends
into a discussion panel. It's up to you. If you prefer to lay back and
listen to others, the live schedule board is a great way to plan the day.
Of course, if you would rather know in advance what to expect, there's a
discussion group for fellow enthusiasts like you. Join the pre-event
conversation at
We are able to make this an entirely participant-focused event,
unencumbered by sponsor expectations, because this is a participant-
supported event. Tickets are priced at Rs 300 each, with a 10% discount
if you pay online. Your ticket buys you a great lunch and unlimited
beverages at an all day beverage counter. Paying in advance allows us
to negotiate better rates with vendors.
The event venue is Althea Systems in Koramangala 4th Block, about half a
kilometre from Maharaja restaurant. Althea offered to shut down their
office on a working day so that we could have two entire floors in their
building. Kudos to them. Give them a visit at
Between two floors and a conference room, we have space for three
parallel tracks.
We're limiting registrations to 150 to ensure the venue isn't crowded
out. The event website has not been updated with this announcement: you
are getting to hear it first so you have a chance to reserve your spot.
The public announcement goes out a day later.
Register at
Kiran Jonnalagadda
On behalf of the planning team